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Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Penyewaan Mobil Di Kota Jambi Berbasis Android


Undergraduate Theses from gdlhub / 2019-05-08 15:57:46
Oleh : Muhammad Alimuddin, STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa Jambi
Dibuat : 2019-05-08, dengan 7 file

Keyword : Sistem Informasi Geografis, Android, Penyewaan Mobil

Perkembangan teknologi pada zaman sekarang sangat pesat, mulai dari alat elektronik sampai informasi yang terus berkembang. Informasi sangat dibutuhkan oleh semua orang, contohnya informasi mengenai lokasi penyewaan mobil yang ada di kota Jambi,ketidaktahuan lokasi peyewaan mobil khususnya masyarakat umum yang membutuhkan informasi mengenai suatu daerah, terutama pendatang baru dari luar kota Jambi dalam mencari informasi mengenai letak lokasi penyewaan mobil di kota Jambi kesulitan mencari lokasi penyewaan mobil yang masih beroperasi maupun terdekat, karena masyarakat membutuhkan penyewaan mobil yang sesuai kebutuhan untuk menunjang kegiatan yang telah direncanakan seperti, mudik ataupun liburan. Oleh sebab itu maka dibutuhkan sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi geografis yang menyediakan informasi mengenai lokasi-lokasi penyewaan mobil yang ada di kota Jambi, yang memiliki informasi alamat, jam buka/tutup, jenis mobil, harga sewa, no kontak. Dalam Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode observasi dan wawancara pada tempat penyewaan mobil yang ada di kota Jambi. Untuk merancang sistem informasi geografis ini penulis menggunakan software Android Studio dengan software bantu lainnya seperti photoshop yang untuk mengolah gambar, dan software SQL Yog untuk mengelolah database. Diharapkan sistem ini dapat mempecepat dan mempermudah masyarakat dalam mencari informasi penyewaan mobil yang ada di kota Jambi.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

The development of technology today is very rapid, ranging from electronic equipment to information continues to grow. Information is needed by everyone, for example, information about the location of car rental in the city of Jambi, ignorance location peyewaan car, especially the general public who need information about an area, especially newcomers from outside the city of Jambi in seeking information about the location of the location of the car rental in town Jambi difficulty finding car rental locations are still operating as well as the nearby, because people need car hire as needed to support planned activities such as homecoming or holiday. Therefore, it takes a geographic information system application that provides information about the car rental locations in the city of Jambi, which has address information, hours of open / close, type of car, the rental price, no contact. In this study using the method of observation and interviews at the car rental place in the city of Jambi. To design a geographic information system, the writer uses the Android software Studio with other assistive software such as Photoshop for image processing, and software to manage database SQL Yog. This system is expected to accelerate and facilitate the public in the search for a car rental information in the city of Jambi. In this study using the method of observation and interviews at the car rental place in the city of Jambi. To design a geographic information system, the writer uses the Android software Studio with other assistive software such as Photoshop for image processing, and software to manage database SQL Yog. This system is expected to accelerate and facilitate the public in the search for a car rental information in the city of Jambi. In this study using the method of observation and interviews at the car rental place in the city of Jambi. To design a geographic information system, the writer uses the Android software Studio with other assistive software such as Photoshop for image processing, and software to manage database SQL Yog. This system is expected to accelerate and facilitate the public in the search for a car rental information in the city of Jambi.

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PropertiNilai Properti
ID Publishergdlhub
OrganisasiSTIKOM Dinamika Bangsa Jambi
Nama KontakHerti Yani, S.Kom
AlamatJln. Jenderal Sudirman

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  • Pembimbing : Agus Siswanto, M.Kom dan Dr. Drs. Effiyaldi, MM, Editor: Calvin
