Path: Top -> Journal -> Telkomnika -> 2013 -> Vol 11, No 3: September

Controlling Chaos and Voltage Collapse using Layered Recurrent Network-based PID-SVC in Power Systems

Controlling Chaos and Voltage Collapse using Layered Recurrent Network-based PID-SVC in Power Systems

Journal from gdlhub / 2016-11-09 03:45:45
Oleh : I Made Ginarsa, Agung Budi Muljono, I Made Ari Nrartha, Telkomnika
Dibuat : 2013-09-01, dengan 1 file

Keyword : chaos, voltage collapse, PID-SVC, recurrent network, perbaikan tegangan
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Chaos dan voltage collapse muncul pada sistem tenaga listrik akibat gangguan energi pada beban kritis. Untuk mengatasinya maka dirancang PID-SVC yang berbasis-layered recurrent network(LRN).PID berbasis-LRN berfungsi untuk mengatasi chaos dan voltage collapse.Sementara itu, SVC berbasis-LRN berfungsi untuk mengatur tegangan beban. Hasil simulasimenunjukkan bahwa kontroler ini mampu mengatasi chaos dan voltage collapse pada sistem tenaga listrik. Lebih jauh lagi, kontroler ini mampu mengatur tegangan beban dengan cara mensuplai daya reaktif dari SVC. Respons dari kontroler yang diusulkan juga lebih baik dari PI-SVC

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Chaos and voltage collapse occurred in critical power systems due to disturbing of energy. PID-SVC layered reccurrent neural network-based (LRN-based PID-SVC) was proposed to solve these problems. The PID is used to control chaos and voltage collapse. Meanwhile, an SVC LRN-based is used to maintan the load voltage. By using the proposed controller, chaos and voltage collapse are able to suppress and maintain the load voltage around the setting value. When the maximum load isforced to load bus, the reactive power supplied by SVC, SVC additional voltage and load voltage are at the values of j0.1127, 4.0095ยด10-3 and 0.980010 pu, respectively. Furthemore, the proposed controller gives better response than PI-SVC controller.

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ID Publishergdlhub
Nama KontakHerti Yani, S.Kom
AlamatJln. Jenderal Sudirman

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