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Penerapan Artificial Intelligence Pada Game Tower Defense Dengan Unity 3D

Application of Artificial Intelligence in a Tower Defense Game with Unity 3D

Undergraduate Theses from gdlhub / 2015-10-20 14:25:57
Oleh : Calvin, STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa Jambi
Dibuat : 2015-10-20, dengan 7 file

Keyword : Game Tower Defense, Artificial Intelligence, Pathfinding, Target Prioritize, Unity 3D
Sumber pengambilan dokumen : CD

Game TD (Tower Defense) merupakan sebuah game strategi dimana pemain harus meneliti properties musuh dan tower serta layout map dan mengendalikan resources dengan baik dengan membangun atau meng-upgrade tower supaya dapat menghapuskan musuh sebelum mereka sampai ke destinasi. Game jenis ini sangat jarang diterapkan artificial intelligence sehingga mudah dieksploitasi dan kurang interaktif. Disini penulis ingin menerapkan artificial intelligence pada game dengan genre ini. 2 algoritma yang ingin dipasang iaitu Pathfinding untuk pencarian rute terpendek secara otomatis untuk musuh dan Target Prioritize untuk pemilihan target efektif untuk tower. Game ini dirancang dengan menggunakan Game Engine Unity 3D dan metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah prototype. Diharapkan dengan penerapan yang dilakukan akan menghasilkan ide baru dalam sebuah game konsep.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

TD (Tower Defense) Game is a strategic genre game that demand player to learn the properties of enemies and towers as well as the map layout. Players have to manage their resources well so that they can place or upgrade tower for the best result so that no enemies can reach their destination. This genre of game rarely involve any Artificial Intelligence in it and that result in lacks interactivity and easy to exploit. Writer wants to apply Artificial Intelligence in this type of game. There are 2 algorithms that writer want to apply that is Pathfinding for enemies that will make enemies look for shortest route to destination automatically and Target Prioritize for tower that make tower always attack the most effective targets available. This game built with the Unity 3D game engine and method for the developing system is by prototyping. Hopefully, with this application, there will be new idea born for game concept purposes

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PropertiNilai Properti
ID Publishergdlhub
OrganisasiSTIKOM Dinamika Bangsa Jambi
Nama KontakHerti Yani, S.Kom
AlamatJln. Jenderal Sudirman

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  • Kurniabudi, S.Kom, M.Kom dan Abdul Rahim, S.Kom, M.Kom, Editor: sukadi
